Is your organization breaking new ground, but your team doesn’t have sufficient time to tell the story properly? Do you need help creating high-quality content, promoting a differentiated vision for the future, providing deep answers to customer questions, or positioning your organization as a leader in its market segment? Let Kopidion help.
Kopidion’s team has published and presented substantial work across the cybersecurity industry and beyond. We won’t put our, or your, name on it, unless it is legitimately high-quality work. Our philosophy is that if you do good work, people come to you. Cyber security is a small world and reputation matters.
We can run with the seed of an idea from you or provide fresh ideas for your consideration. We prefer collaboration, if possible, and enjoy working with your technical experts, customers, marketing professionals, sales team, and external agencies to produce the best possible result.
Our goal is to generate content of substance, ranging from technical to thought provoking, that your organization is proud to share. Here are examples.
The infosec industry is crowded with white papers of marginal value. A high-quality white paper presents thought provoking new ideas and meaningful answers to current and prospective customer questions. A well prepared white paper earns attention from potential customers, industry analysts, the media, and the community at large.
Conference presentations are a powerful way to share innovation and reach new audiences. We have spoken at highly selective security conferences and can work with your team to do the same. We particularly enjoy working with talented new voices seeking their first conference talk.
eBooks are powerful ways to develop and share valuable new ideas with current and potential customers, teams inside your organization, and the broader cybersecurity community. We have experience in eBook authoring and can help turn your topic into a sought-after end product.
Short-form articles are typically one to three pages and appear in industry and national forums, in print and online. The best short-form pieces provide interesting new viewpoints or inform the reader about current events. The Kopidion team greatly enjoys developing high-quality short-form articles and would be pleased to collaborate with your team.
Organizational blogs are a powerful tool for online engagement, but are difficult to maintain over time. Typically a company has great, but exceeding busy, technical talent and organizational leadership. At Kopidion, we speak their language and respect their time. We can quickly interview team members and create blog posts for your review.
Media requests are frequently short notice, but high payoff. If you find yourself needing assistance with preparation for interviews, let us know. If one of our team members is a formal advisor for your organization we can field the interview for you.
Many organizations like to host events, like dinners and workshops, with current and potential customers. To attract the right people the event has to be valuable. Kopidion team members can provide compelling talks on subjects you propose or help guide you to leading information security voices to do the same.
We usually begin innovation services work with a single engagement. That way we can get to know each other. From there, we can provide services on a case-by-case or ongoing basis. We’ve found innovation services work best by fostering a longer-term relationship. The longer the relationship, the better we can understand your organization’s unique vision, goals, and message. Doing so increases efficiency, effectiveness, and impact.
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